PT.Triwi Putra Jaya - Jual Pressure gauge dan Pressure Calibrator

ADT286 Multifunction Reference Thermometer Readout (Alat ukur Kalibrasi)

Rp. 123
Last Updated
16 Mar 2023
Minimum Order
1 Unit
Additel 286
Multifunction Reference Thermometer Readout

  • Measure and calibrate SPRTs, RTDs, thermistors and thermocouples
  • 1 PPM resistance ratio accuracy (channel 1)
  • 8 1/2-digit DC multimeter
  • Measure up to 82 channels
  • Bluetooth, WIFI, USB& Ethernet (RJ-45) capable
  • Auto temperature control of Additel and other manufacture's heat sources
  • Built-in automatic temperature control, data collection, and coefficient generation
  • Support for creating custom control of heat sources with RS-232
  • Auto - zero power feature (self heating compensation)
  • 10.1 in. touch screen display
  • Supports fully automated temperature calibrations with data collection and report generation (no software required)
  • ADT286-RS Resistance Standards

    Available in 25 and 100 Ohm values, users can enjoy improved resistance ratio performance by easily plugging one of our reference resisters into channel 2 on the new ADT286. Perfect for calibrating your SPRT’s and high end PRT’s.

  • ADT 286 Multifunction Reference Thermometer Readout Scanner Modules

    If you're in need of a precision reference thermometer for your laboratory, then look no further than the Additel 286. The base unit comes with two precision readout channels that can be used to measure your SPRT. Need to calibrate RTDs, PRTs, thermistors or thermocouples? Add a scanner module and you now have the ability to measure 10 RTDs, PRTs, or thermistors and 20 thermocouples. Expand up to 82 channels with our unique easy to use scanner modules. Each 20 channel module is outfitted with our proprietary universal terminals with an industries best cold junction capability second to none. Utilize the module docked atop the ADT286, or connect remotely with cables to suit nearly any unique setup/configuration. Additel also has a process module specifically designed to measure process instrumentation like transmitters and switches. This scanner will also supply loop power for the transmitters.

  • Automatic Temperature Control and Probe Calibration

    The Additel 286 Multifunction Reference Thermometer Readout has preinstalled drivers to control Additel and other manufacturer’s heat sources. Simply connect to one or more heat sources via a communication cable, Ethernet or wireless and now it will automatically control to the set point and desired stability. If your heat source is not on the list, you can easily add the driver yourself so you can run automated calibrations with any heat source.

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